Friday, August 31, 2012


Welcome to this blog which I have set up for this course, Soc. 220: Criminal and Deviant Behavior. We will be using this blog for a variety of activities this semester, including the following: (1)For what I call "activities and exercises" in the syllabus. I may ask you to comment on some video program I show in class, or on something in the assigned reading, etc.. You will be called upon to contribute questions for both the midterm and final exams, which will then be posted on this blog. I may also use this blog to post descriptions of some of the short essays you'll be writing during the semester. (2) I may use this blog on occasion to post lecture notes, especially if I get behind in class (which often happens), and I will post passages from other sources which I may quote in class. Perhaps most frequently, I will use this blog to follow up on a class lecture or discussion, or answer a question I was unable to answer satisfactorily in class. (BUT PLEASE DO NOT EXPECT THAT I WILL BE POSTING EVERYTHING I COVER IN CLASS.) (3)I may offer some extra credit opportunities during the semester, which will usually involve having you post some comment on this blog. (4)Finally, you are, of course, welcome to use this blog to comment on or ask questions about anything that we cover in class or the assigned reading. When I do post a description of an exercise or anything else, I will always be sure to mention it in class and remind you to check the blog. Nonetheless, I would suggest that you get in the habit of checking this blog once or twice a week anyway.