Friday, November 30, 2007

Last Week Reminders

As you all know, next week is the last week of classes. I thought I'd take this opportunity to remind you of what I plan to cover and what you need to do. First, several people have not turned in the paper that was due yesterday (thurs. 11/29). Get that in ASAP (and remember you need to turn in copies of the articles along with your paper). It is worth 50 points. And those who missed giving a brief summary of your paper will not receive the additional 5 points, unless you have a legitimate excuse for being absent. Second, essay III (described in a Nov. 19th post and handed out in class) is due on Tuesday (12/4). As I noted, please make every effort to get that in on time so I can read and evaluate them and get them back by the end of the week. Third, I fully intend to cover the remainder of Tulia during those last two classes, so please continue reading to the end. Finally, we'll have to talk about the final exam and possibly schedule a review session. We'll do that in class.


220A (8:00) -- Friday, December 14 9-12.

220B (9:30) -- Tuesday, December 11 9-12.

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