Friday, October 31, 2008

Follow-ups to Chapter 7 & Chapter 5

Before I begin to re-cap these two chapters, let me, again, remind you to check out the description of the next essay assignment connected with the documentary I will be showing next Tuesday 11/4. That description can be found at the previous blog post, on Wed., Oct. 29th.

First, my comments on Chapter 7 which I did not get to yesterday in class:

#16 "Drugs-Crime Connections: Elaborations from the Life Histories of Hard Core Heroin Addicts"

A. Looks at the basic question: do drugs cause crime or does crime cause drugs?

1. Basically, addicts said their drug and criminal activities began independently, but eventually became intertwined, which makes sense.

B. Two general factors shape the drug and crime careers of respondents: (1) availability -- more you had, more you did; less available it was most addicts could adjust by reducing consumption. (2) life-structure -- "...regularly occuring patterns of daily domestic, occupational, recreational, or criminal activity."

C. The article makes an important point about when heroin becomes the most destructive -- when that larger "life-structure" is deteriorated. See middle paragraph on p. 274, under heading: The Free-Wheeling Junkie -- High Availability/Low Life Structure.

D. We must seek to improve that life structure -- sense of order and purpose -- to rehabilitate the heroin addict.

#17 "The Miami Sex-for-Crack Market Revisited"

A. No question that prostitution and crack cocaine use are related. Also includes a public health warning about having sex in some of these crack houses -- that they are at extreme risk of contracting HIV.

#18 "An Analysis of Women's Involvement in Prostitution"

A. This is an unpublished paper which I believe is poorly written, filled with jargon, and based on only 21 interviews.

B. One interesting point which was touched on in the class report is the irony of fining these women for their behavior. "Fining women involved in prostitution for their prostitution-related offenses is paradoxical. Many of them simply did not have the financial resources to pay their fines. The obvious irony is that the criminal justice system, itself, created the conditions that both justified these women's continued involvement in prostitution as well as trapped them within it" (p. 296)

Chapter 5 Burglary

A. Recent NCVS data suggest that crimes against property account for more than three-fourths of all criminal victimizations, and roughly one in six property crimes is a household burglary. Estimates indicate that 3,139,700 households were burglarized in 2001. Total of $2.9 billion in losses, not to mention the emotional trauma of the victims.

1. Yet the rate of burglary has dropped nearly 75% over the past three decades. In 1973 there were 110 per 1,000 households compared to 28.7 per 1,000 in 2001.

2. Perhaps surprisingly, the rural rate is higher than the suburban rate, which is the lowest. This is probably due to greater prevalence of neighborhood watch programs, more police patrols, in suburban areas. This lends credence to the routine activities theory. (see bottom, p. 172)

3. Also surprising, this is one crime where the U.S. compares favorably with many other countries. (see top, p. 173)

B. A significant point is that this type of crime also depends on a thriving UNDERGROUND ECONOMY, consisting of FENCES (people willing to handle stolen goods) and consumers willing to buy this stolen merchandise. (Flea markets are notorious for being places where stolen goods are sold.)

C. Under the "cognitive aspects of burglary," Dabney notes the "shallow instrumental motives" -- burglars become accustomed to a fast-paced lifestyle and/or are addicted to drugs "thus (they) continue to commit burglaries in the face of increasing risks and diminishing rewards." (p. 176)

1. Although obviously some planning is involved -- "Research indicates that most burglars engage in only minimal pre-event planning....Indeed, they tend to operate in a somewhat spontaneous fashion, exploiting opportunities as they arise." (p. 177)

2. 56% of incarcerated burglars in one survey were under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time they committed their last offense. But a urinalysis of arrested offenders found 80% to have drugs or alcohol in their system.

a) Some use drugs to enhance their performance (botttom, p. 178), such as Malcolm X who talked about snorting cocaine before going out to burglarize.

3. Burglars tend to depend on others such as getting inside information about whether a home is vacant or what valuables might be in a home.

D. Arrest rate is only 13% (which might suggest the relevance of deterrence theory since the certainty of punishment in so low).

E. Informal controls (eg., neighborhood crime watch) are important to deter burglary activity. Even neighbors just getting together to clean up their neighborhood might send a deterrence message to would-be burglars.

#11 "A Woman's Place Is in the Home: Females and Residential Burglary"

A. Profiles female burglars who share a lot of the characteristics with males, but in some cases even more so -- eg., that they almost always work with others. Also, women tend to start at an older age than males.

B. Confirms an observation I made about feminist criminological theories which claim bias against women in our criminal justice system. This is NOT the case here; if anything women got more lenient treatment. (See middle, p. 187)

#12 "Operational Parameters in the Stolen Property System"

A. Examines the property theft system (or business) from a marketing perspective -- such as the role of supply and demand.

B. Makes a very good point about how many studies have focused on the individual criminal apart from the social system with which he connects, which the authors contend is short-sighted. See especially p. 194 (almost the entire page which brings this point out well).

1. The authors get rather detailed about how this Stolen Propety System works, especially how the thief and the fence interact.


That's all for now. Incorporate the above comments in your notes for the class. Also, only one family has turned in their two proposed short-answer questions (and answers). The rest of the families need to do that soon. By next Tuesday (11/4), if at all possible. I will be adding some concluding comments on Crime Types as a whole, probably on Tuesday 11/11.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Below is a description of what I want you to do for the next short essay assignment. I will not be handing out a hard copy of this assignment.

Sociology 220
Essay II

A. On Tuesday, November 4th (election day) I will be showing a documentary entitled, "A Hard Straight," which chronicles the struggles of three parolees. For this essay I want you to focus on ONE of these three parolees. Briefly describe this person's situation and then discuss what you believe could have been done to help this person make a successful transition to life outside of prison. Let me recommend that you jot down some notes while seeing the video so that you can incorporate some details in your essay and not just write in "vague generalities." IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO BE IN CLASS ON THE 4TH TO SEE THIS DOCUMENTARY. Following the showing of it I will return it to the library, so if you did miss it you would be able to check it out.

B. The essay should be roughly 2-3 pages.

C. It is due on TUES., NOV. 11TH, and it is worth 25 points.

Comments on Chapter 4

Below are my follow-up comments on Chapter 4: Robbery. Again, keep in mind that if I ask any questions about this chapter in addition to the ones the family submits, they will come from these follow-up comments.

Chapter 4: Robbery

A. This crime is underreported. The NCVS indicates that roughly 40% of robbery victims chose not to notify the police.

B. "As is the case with all forms of violent crime, increased population density yields significantly higher robbery victimization rates."
city -- 4.9 per 1,000 residents
suburban -- 2.2 per 1,000
rural -- 1.4 per 1,000 (p. 131)
(which, as I noted in class, generally supports social disorganization theory)

C. Researchers found that "injuries occurred far less frequently in robberies involving a gun than they did when a knife, club, or no weapon was present." (p. 132)

D. Robbery is different from other violent crimes in that the vast majority of robbery offenders and victims do NOT know each other.

E. Very high recidivism rate -- 70.% re-arrested within three years of release from prison.

F. Many robbers commit their crimes while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol -- one-third or more.

G."Planning does not appear to play a large role in most robberies." they may be described as "alert opportunists" for the most part. (p. 136)

H. Most "seasoned thieves" invoke some normative neutralizations to justify their behavior. Again, we see the relevance of "techniques of neutralization."

I. Dabney identifies the existence of a criminal subculture where other robbers are known as "colleagues" or they act as conspirators, or in teams. (suggesting the relevance of differential association theory)

#9 "Stick-up, Street Culture, and Offender Motivation"

A. In addition to the obvious motivation of a need for money, the authors talk about the larger culture in which they exist which is driven by the need to spend to fit in, seek pleasure in a harsh world, "life as a party" instant gratification. They are so focused on gratification, there is little consideration of consequences, often little effort at planning. (which generally runs contrary to rational choice or deterrence theory.

B. P. 146 beginning with "Without doubt,...." about the middle of the page and continuing all the way to the end of that page, Dabney captures well the world of these criminals. In some respects, one can see the relevance of anomie theory. Even though most of them do not necessarily face economic hardships, they feel the pressure to keep up with the fast-paced "life as party" lifestyle and so resort to illegitimate means to achieve that.

C. Later, Dabney says, "... the 'choice' to rob occurs in a context in which rationality not only is sharply bounded, it barely exists." (p. 148) Which, again, raises a question about the relevance of rational choice theory.

#10 "Dubs and Dees, Beats and Rims, Carjackers and Urban Violence"

A. From the abstract: "Offenders may choose to engage in the crime in response to peer pressure, boredom, or a perceived need for money, drugs, or transportation." (p. 149) reflecting the possible application of both differential association and social bonding theory, in which I interjected my "boredom theory" in the context of talking about Hirschi's bond of Involvement.

B. Underscores the lack of planning, impulsiveness often stemming from a desperate need for drugs.

C. Notes how easy targets sometimes motivated carjackers -- isolated, weak victims, desirable vehicles. See bottom of p.154-155, which suggests a calculation of greater pleasure or gain, which lends itself to rational choice theory. I would also add, routine activities theory as relevant.

D. But to counter-balance the above point about the relevance of rational choice: the thing that strikes me about alot of these interviews is that these carjackers are so focused on satisfying immediate "needs" or pleasures, that nothing else matters. There is no conception or thought of how such a lifestyle is a complete dead end no matter how successful they may be in the short run.

That's it for now. Look for my comments on Chapter 5 later (perhaps Friday). Also, I will be posting a description of our next short essay assignment soon, connected with viewing the documentary, "A Hard Straight" which I will be showing in class next Tuesday, 11/4.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Comments on Chapter 3

Below are my follow-up comments on last Thursday's report on Chapter 3 of Crime Types.

Chapter 3: Violent Sex Crimes

A. Dabney opens by noting how sexual assault has a significant effect on the daily thoughts and actions of American women.

1. According to the NCVS for 2001, 250,000 women fell victim to some form of unwanted sexual advance.
2. It is estimated that some form of sexually assaultive action is present in 1 of every 10 violent crimes involving a female.
3. Surprisingly, however -- "Aside from murder, the crimes of rape and sexual assault occur with less regularity than any other form of violent crime." Collectively, rape and sexual assault offenses accounted for only a small fraction (4%) of the more than 5.9 million violent crime victimizations that occurred nationally, according to the NCVS in 2003.
4. Nonetheless, over a lifetime women have a 1 in 6 chance of being a victim of rape.
5. Also, reported rapes are one-third of NCVS figures, which is better than it used to be. Back in the 1960s the ratio was one in nine.

B. Dabney reviews various theories, which were brought out in the report. These appear on pp. 82-83 and you should know what they are. I simply want to make a couple critical remarks about a couple of the theories.

1. First, the gender inequality theory makes sense. However, if it predicts higher rates of rape in patriarchal societies where women are considered the sexual servants of men, this is contradicted by many Asian societies, such as Japan, which are patriarchal yet have very low rates of rape.

2. Also, I am a bit dubious about some of the evidence for the pornography theory. Correlating rape with the circulation rates of adult magazines in various states is hardly conclusive. There are so many other factors that could be considered as well.

C. Some other interesting statistics: (1) In 70% of all rapes and sexual assualts, the victim is known to the offender. (2) As you might imagine, drugs and alcohol are often involved -- in 46% of cases.

D. I was a bit surprised by a 1990 study (bottom, p. 85) which suggested that violent resistance to rape serves as an effective means of preventing rape completion and reducing the level of injuries sustained, which highlights the value of self-defense classes.

E. There is some confusion in recidivism numbers (p. 86). The overall recidivism rate of 42% (which would include being re-arrested for any crime) is low compared to other crime types. But then Dabney suggests that, according to one study, rapists are re-arrested for a sex crime at a high rate -- that one in ten rapists will be re-arrested for a similar crime at some point in the future. But that is only 10%, and I am not sure how that compares with other crimes. So I am not sure it is fair to say that is a high or disproportionate rate.

#6 "Riding the Bull at Gilley's"

A. This article poses a very basic question: is rape mainly attributable to "sick individuals" or a "sick culture." This article clearly challenges the psychopathology model and argues that rape is learned. (Which obviously suggests the possible application of Social Learning theory.)

1. Males being sexually aggressive is considered natural, normal. There is evidence of neutralization or rationalization of rape.

2. So, again, overall rape is seen as more a product of a "sick culture" than sick individuals.

#7 "Acquaintance Gang Rape on Campus"

A. Highlights the role of organizations such as fraternities.

B. Gang rape diminishes individual responsibility.

C. Participants often have very traditional values about sex roles.

D. Protective measures on campus are often aimed at "stranger rape," when we need to focus more on this acquaintance rape. One change needed being a profound attitudinal change among men.

#8 "Understanding Women's Experiences of Wife Rape"

A. This is a long descriptive piece which was covered in some detail in the class report. It basically dissects the motives of husbands who do this and the coping strategies of the victims. I believe it is important to note that only fairly recently has this come to be recognized as a criminal act.

B. Perhaps the "bottom line" might be that somehow men must be taught not to treat women as sex objects, even if they happen to be their wives.

That's all I have to add. Tomorrow we'll hear reports on Chapters 4 & 5. Remember, as I noted in class, I realize some families have lost members recently, so I expect there will be gaps in your reports. Just go ahead with what you originally planned to report on; you do NOT have to cover for family members who may have dropped out. AND ALSO REMEMBER THAT EVERYONE SHOULD BE READING THESE CHAPTERS AS WELL.

Friday, October 24, 2008

First Crime Types' Reports: Chapters 2 & 3

Let me begin by applauding the efforts of the Green and Blue Families to present some of the key points in Chapters 2 & 3. Those who gave their reports yesterday have earned the 5 activity points for this exercise. But please remember that your work is not done just yet. Someone from each family needs to submit TWO SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS (AND ANSWERS) based on the information in the reports you gave yesterday. These questions will be considered for inclusion on the final exam. Instead of posting these questions on the blog, you may simply write them out on a sheet of paper and turn them into me sometime by the end of next week when we will be wrapping these reports up. After I get all these questions, I will make my selections and then post them on the blog.

I realize that trying summarize these chapters in a mere 30 minutes or so is not easy to do, nonetheless, I would like to make some general critical remarks about the presentations yesterday, which I hope those presenting this coming week may take to heart.

***Both families had reports that went into too much unnecessary detail, particularly in the reports on some of the articles. Think about what the message of the article is IN GENERAL and perhaps cite a few key passages, but do NOT get tangled up in all the detail such as presenting many stages of this or that, etc.. I believe a fair number of articles get into too much nit-picky detail about motivations, stages, etc..

***Be sensitive to your fellow family members and try not to put them in a bind by taking up much more time than your should have.

***Although a couple of you did some of this, I'd like to see more of an effort to make connections with some of the theories or concepts we've covered in class. As one person did note, there was an obvious connection with Sykes and Matza's "techniques of neutralization," which itself is related to Social Learning theory. (Also, remember how I opened my remarks on Chapter 6.)

What follows are some specific follow-up remarks on the first two reports. Keep in mind that what I present here (along with follow-up remarks on subsequent reports) may be the basis for questions on the final exam.

Chapter 2: Homicide and Assault

A. Dabney reminds us that most homicides start out as assaults (not with death as the intended result), but then they escalate, and access to a weapon, especially a gun, can make it much more likely that a homicide will occur. (p. 14) Certainly, this was a major point in the first article which was reported on in depth.

B. He runs through statistics using NCVS for assaults and UCR for homicide. Both show recent declines, especially for homicide,(about 15-20,000 per year, only 1-2% of all violent crimes).

1. There is a distinct urban connection (suggesting possible relevance of social disorganization theory). (p. 17)

2. Violent crime rate sets the U.S. apart from the rest of the developed world (with the exception of Australia and its much higher assault rate). (pp. 17-18)

3. There is a strong guns/drug trade connection with homicide (65% involved a gun, and 80% of that, a handgun).

C. One-half of all murder and/or assault victims are known or related to the attacker. Also, homicide and assault tend to be INTRA-age and INTRA-racial. The perpetrators are predominantly male - 87.9% of known homicide offenders. There is a very high homicide rate among African American males -- "black males between the ages of 18 and 24 make up 1.1% of the U.S. population but accounted for a staggering 26% of all known homicide offenders and 13% of all homicide victims in 2000." (p. 21)

D. There is a very high RECIDIVISM rate among these violent criminals. (p. 22)

E. Dabney directly challenges the innate, biological explanation for violence. (p. 23)

F. Under "cognitive aspects," he recognizes the significant role of alcohol and drugs. "The volativity of these situations is exacerbated by the fact that most violent combatants commit their crimes while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol." (p. 23)

G. Dabney sees a role for "normative neutralizations." (Sykes and Matza) (p. 25)

H. He also recognizes the role of a "subculture of violence," such as violent media images. (p. 25) I will hand out a critical commentary on this claim in class on Tuesday -- look for that.

#1 "Criminal Homicide as a Situated Transaction"

A. Class report went into great detail on this. I believe most significant about this are a couple of implications: (1) clearly, avoiding a homicide could be accomplished by either side (or the audience) in an altercation backing down and disengaging; and (2) the availability of a weapon makes homicide that much more likely.

#2 "Becoming a Hitman"

A. This directly applies Sykes and Matza's "techniques of neutralization," to being a professional hitman. (see. p. 39, also 40, 41, 42) It deals mainly with the mind states of a hitman, how he defines his victims as "targets". Perhaps, by getting such a person to realize his victims are human beings might be a way of trying to change such an individual.

#3 "Collective and Normative Features of Gang Violence"

A. Stresses the centrality of violence to gangs -- for "protection", also for opportunities to engage in violence. Violence appears to be "functional" for the gang - promotes cohesion.

1. Surprisingly, gang members said that the way to get rid of gangs is to get rid of them. Clearly, a simplistic solution, which reflects how central violence is to their lives, that they can only see violence as a solution.

#4 "Motivation for Gun Possession and Carrying Among Serious Juvenile Offenders"

A. I would just stress an important point made in the conclusion. (last two sentences on p. 67)

#5 "How Women Experience Battering: The Process of Victimization"

A. Interesting and relevant application of Sykes and Matza's "techinques of neutralization" to the victim, as was mentioned in the report. (see mid. p. 71 for overview).

That's all for now. I'll comment on Chapter 3 on Monday.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Comments on Chapter 8, Crime Types & PAPER TOPIC DESCRIPTION

Before posting some additional comments on Chapter 8 of Crime Types, just a couple reminders: (1) To earn 6 points, on a separate sheet of paper I want you to write answers to questions # 4, 10, 15, 21, 33, 35 from the midterm exam. I expect the answers to be correct and complete, and you may do this regardless of whether you missed these questions or not on the exam. Please turn this in by next Tuesday 10/28 along with your exam. (2) Green family report on Chapter 2 & Blue Family report on Chapter 3 will be heard tomorrow (Thurs. 10/23). And now for my addtional comments on Chapter 8:

I left off around p. 320 in the Introduction of Chapter 8.

1. Prosecutors prefer plea bargains because the average white collar defendant has a good legal defense team. Trials are long and expensive. (see last 2 paragraphs p. 321)

2. They are much less likely to go to prison.

3. Informal social control often is not effective. (see 1st paragraph p. 323, and note the reference to Braithwaite and his version of labeling theory)

#19 "The Crash of ValuJet Flight 592: A Case Study in State-Corporate Crime"

A. This article brings together the private and public sectors -- negligent federal regulators bear part of the blame.

B. Organizational crime theorists have relied on three basic concepts to explain the crimes committed by corporations and governments. (see last paragraph p. 333- 334. Sort of a combination of Anomie and Control theories.)

1. The authors even go as far as to say that: "...the goal of capital accumulation can be a highly criminogenic force for organizations." (p. 334)

C. Finally -- "A basic tenet of organizational crime theory is that low levels of external social control provides opportunities to engage in crime." (p. 335) which, I would add, may have some relevance to the current financial crisis.

#20 "The Twisted Road to Genocide: On the Psychological Development of Evil During the Holocaust"

A. Looks at how this horrific act "developed" -- that it was not a fluke or simply the product of a sole mad dictator.

1. "In reality, the mass murder of the Jews and of other peoples was only possible because it could draw on the mass support of all segments of German society and the military." (p. 340)

B. Just as individuals go through a process to become good or moral, likewise there is a psychological development toward evil. Or, one learns to become evil. "Evil and goodness do not 'spring' from inner depths; they are carefully nurtured qualities of the mind." (p. 345) which, to me, suggests the application of differential association or social learning to the organizational level.

1. "Ordinary people, cast in extreme circumstances and initially subjected to great pressures, can become unusually bad or good." (p. 346)

#21 "Recreational Abusers and Therapeutic Self-Medicators: Two Criminal Career Trajectories among Drug Using Pharmacists"

A. Apparently this is a fairly widespread practice in pharmacy schools. They had more of a social support network in school. But recreational use really took off when they got out and became practicing pharmacists.

B. "All of the respondents (50 pharmacists) drew upon their social status as pharmacists to convince themselves that their drug use would not progress into dependency." (p. 360) But IN EVERY CASE occasional prescription drug abuse eventually gave way to an advanced addictive state. (p. 361) which, to me, underscores the power of addiction over people who should know better.

***Please insert these notes in with my other comments on Chapter 8.


Below is a write-up of the paper assignment for this course. I do not plan to hand out a hard copy of this assignment, so please refer to this blog post for the details of this assignment.

Sociology 220
Paper Topic

Locate 3 articles relevant to a particular crime type discussed in our text, Crime Types, which you have an interest in investigating more. In searching for these articles, you should focus on more popular publications such as newspapers, popular magazines, and, as a last resort, professional journals in criminology. The articles should each be at least roughly two pages long. In your paper I want you to discuss what insights these articles contain, as well as discuss how they relate to the analysis of that crime type in the text. Do the articles support, not support, or contradict the treatment of that crime type in the text? Finally, I want you to address the question of the implications of what you've learned about this type of criminal behavior for policies to better control or reduce it.

The paper should be roughly 6-7 pages, double-spaced typewritten. PLEASE TURN IN COPIES OF ALL THREE ARTICLES ALONG WITH YOUR PAPER. To cite any passages that you may quote in your paper, you may simply assign a number at the end of the quote and then put the source and page number at the end of the paper on an Endnotes page. This, of course, would include any passages from Crime Types that you might use in your paper. No bibliography is required since I will have the sources that you drew on.

This paper is due on THURSDAY, NOV. 20TH, at which time everyone will have a brief opportunity to summarize your findings for the class (5 minutes, tops). The paper is worth 50 points, and the presentation 5 points.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Family Questions Accepted & Midterm Exam Outline

It is Monday (10/13) morning and I still have not heard from two of the families regarding midterm exam questions. Members of the BLACK and BLUE families will not receive the 3 points for this activity. Below are the questions I accepted from the families that submitted them.

RED FAMILY: (earns 3 points)

What are the THREE elements of Routine Activities Theory? (3pts)

Answer: (1) there are persons motivated to commit crimes
(2) there is a suitable target or victim
(3) there is an absence of formal or informal control agents

YELLOW FAMILY: (earns 3 points, plus one bonus point)

What is the difference between specific and general deterrence? (2pts)

Answer: Specific deterrence is when someone goes clean after being in prison because they have learned their lesson during the time spent there. General deterrence is punishment that is meant to serve as an example not just to the criminal but also to the general public.

Identify any ONE way our "routine activities" have changed since World War II which might explain the increase in crime. (1pt)

Answer: (a) homes vacant during the day because of both spouses working, or
(b) 24hr. convenience stores, or
(c) ATMs

GREEN FAMILY: (earns 3 points)

What was Akers' main criticism of labeling theory, as brought out in the passage I quoted in class and posted on the blog? (2pts)

Answer: (the answer posted needed to be re-worded; the first part was incorrect)
Akers argues that the BEHAVIOR creates the LABEL rather than the label creating the behavior, and the ensuing criminal and deviant behavior continues the label more than the label continues the behavior.

Remember that these questions will be on the test. They will be inserted in the appropriate place.


I. Defining Deviant and Criminal Behavior

A. 1965 survey & Soc. 220 Class '02
B. Matza's definition of deviance & criticism
C. Goode's (better) definition of deviance (an improvement over Matza, but still based on attitudes and opinions)
D. Definition of Crime (similar issue with definition of deviance)

II. Crime Statistics

A. Weakness of FBI's Uniform Crime Reports.
B. War on Drugs' Statistics
C. Joel Best, "Telling the Truth About Damned Lies and Statistics" (handout)

III. Theories of Criminal and Deviant Behavior

A. What is theory?
B. Macro-Micro Distinction
C. Comment from "What 'Capturing the Friedmans' Says About Getting Tough on Crime" (posted on the blog)
D. "The Lost Distinction Between Explain and Justify" by Orlando Patterson (handout)

E. Deterrence/Rational Choice/Routine Activities
1. Posted much of this on the blog, especially criticisms of deterrence and rational choice.
2. Critical look at "get tough" policies of the last 25 years which have largely been based on deterrence theory. Also, posted on blog critical comments about "Scared Straight" experiment.

F. Biological and Psychological Theories
1. Lombroso
2. Goring (critic of Lombroso)
3. E.A. Hooten
4. Modern biological theories, XYY, etc. (blog comments from "Elementary, Dr. Watson. The Neurotransmitters Did It")
5. Policy implications of biological theories
6. Psychological theories (psychoanalytical & personality theories)
7. Overall criticism of both biological and psychological theories.
The bulk of this was posted on the blog.

Sociological Theories:

A. Differential Association/Social Learning (Sutherland/Akers)

B. Social Bonding and Control Theories (Hirschi)
1. "3:00, Nowhere to Go" (handout)

C. Labeling Theory (Becker and others)
1. "Saints and Roughnecks" (handout)

D. Social Disorganization Theory (Chicago School sociologists, 1920s & 30s)

E. Anomie or Strain Theory (Robert Merton)
1. Blog material -- description of Merton's anomie theory and relevance to today from The Cheating Culture.

F. Contemporary Theories (all of which focus mainly on what are considered biases in our criminal justice system)
1. Conflict Theory
2. Marxist Theory
3. Feminist Theory

CRIME TYPES, Chapters 1 & 6 which I hope to cover tomorrow in class.

I'll be handing back your essays tomorrow, and I'll try to set aside at least 20 or 30 minutes for review.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Quoted Passages & Two Reminders

A short passage from Prof. Akers which I quoted in connection with criticizing Anomie theory:
"...there is little evidence that unemployment motivates people to commit criminal acts. Moreover, crime is as likely to affect unemployment as vice versa."

And then a longer passage which addresses the policy implications of Anomie and other macro-level theories:
"The ultimate policy implications of any structural theory is that basic changes need to be fostered to remove the criminogenic features of economic, political, and social institutions of society. The clear implication of anomie theory, for instance, is to promote the integration of cultural goals and socially approved means, and the redistribution of opportunities in the class system."

Let me add, that despite some of the problems with Social Disorganization & Anomie theories, I believe the general policy implication that stems from them is sound.

REMINDER I: As I noted at the end of class today, I only plan to cover chapters 1 & 6 in Crime Types next Tuesday, so that is all you need to read in Crime Types for the sake of the midterm.

REMINDER II: Post family questions for the midterm exam as a comment on that blog post (Sun. Oct 5th) NO LATER THAN 2PM TOMMORROW (FRI. 10/10)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Family Activity: Making Up Midterm Exam Questions

I will give the families some time in class beginning this Tuesday (10/7) to brainstorm some possible midterm exam questions. More specifically, I want each family to propose THREE SHORT-ANSWER questions (and answers) based on anything we've covered in class since the beginning of the term. This would include: lecture notes (including those notes and passages posted on the blog), any handouts, and however far we get in Crime Types during this coming week. You will need to come to some consensus on your three best questions, because I will ONLY ACCEPT THREE QUESTIONS FROM EACH FAMILY. I will look these over and then select at least ONE question from each family to appear on the midterm exam. However, for each additional question I accept, that family will receive a bonus point. So, it is possible to earn 2 bonus points for this exercise, and there will be the added advantage of knowing more of the questions on the test. I will give the families roughly 20 minutes of class time on both Tues. (10/7) and Thurs. (10/9)to confer. ALL QUESTIONS (AND ANSWERS) MUST BE SUBMITTED AS A COMMENT ON THIS BLOG POST BY 2PM ON FRIDAY, 10/10 -- NO EXCEPTIONS. I want to be able to look over these questions and make my selections by TUESDAY 10/14, when I will set aside some class time for review for the midterm exam which is scheduled for THURSDAY 10/16. This activity is worth 3 points.

In addition to coming up with midterm exam questions, the families should also begin to organize how you will divide up responsibilities in preparing for your report on the Chapter in Crime Types you are responsible for (see: Tuesday, Sept. 30th blog post: Schedule for Crime Types' Reports).

Friday, October 3, 2008

Quoted Passages & Some Lecture Material

Below are the passages I quoted in class yesterday:

First from Howard Becker, author of The Outsiders, regarding the essence of labeling theory:
"One of the most crucial steps in the process of building a stable pattern of deviant behavior is likely to be the experience of being caught and publicly labeled as a deviant. Whether a person takes this step or not depends not so much on what he does as on what other people do...being caught and branded as a deviant has important consequences for one's futher social participation and self-image."

Then, from Prof. Akers, I quoted his main criticism of labeling theory:
"People are labelled as delinquent, homosexual, mentally ill, drug addicts, child molesters, and so on largely on the basis of overt acts they have committed or are believed to have committed. Therefore, the deviant behavior itself is prior to and forms the basis for the stigmatizing label. THE BEHAVIOR CREATES THE LABEL MORE THAN THE LABEL CREATES THE BEHAVIOR; AND SUBSEQUENT DEVIANT BEHAVIOR CONTINUES THE LABEL MORE THAN THE LABEL CONTINUES THE BEHAVIOR."

Finally, Akers concluding summary statement:
"The principal strength of labeling theory is that it calls attention to the unintended consequences of social control. Its principal weakness is that it essentially ignores primary deviance and seriously underestimates the influence that other variables have on behavior in the first place and continue to have on its future occurrence."

LECTURE MATERIAL: in an effort to get closer to wrapping up my coverage of the theories of criminal and deviant behavior, I am going to post the rest of my notes on SOCIAL DISORGANIZATION theory and introduce ANOMIE.

B. The social disorganization theorists contended that rapid industrialization and urbanization (as in Chicago) caused this social disorganization which, in turn, undermined "social control exercised through traditional social order and values."

(In some ways, I see these theorists as the 1920s & 30s version of the so-called "moral majority" of the 1980s, a religious-political group which stressed the breakdown of traditional morality, decline of the family, secularization of society, even urbanization, etc. as giving rise to higher rates of criminal and deviant behavior in contemporary American society.)

C. Certainly, things have changed in our cities and inner cities since the 1920s. If anything, conditions have deteriorated even further in our inner cities especially and crime rates are higher (even if they have declined somewhat in recent years), as brought out in books such as William Julius Wilson's The Truly Disadvantaged. Yet, there is some basis to question this theory. As Prof. Akers observes --

"To what degree the relationship between inner-city residence and crime is the result of social disorganization remains uncertain...."

"Often the research does not carefully measure social disorganization...."

"The very fact that crime and deviance are high within an area is itself sometimes used tautologically, as an empirical indicator that the area is socially disorganized..."

1. Furthermore, even in those areas characterized as the most disorganizaed, only a minority of youths and even smaller minority of adults are involved in crime (not to mention potential racial or class bias in police practices).

2. Another problem with social disorganization theory, raised many years ago by a prominent American sociologist, C. Wright Mills, was the problem of bias. In an essay entitled, "The Ideology of Social Pathologists" (late 30s), he suggested that these social disorganization theorists had a strong anti-urban bias because of their small-town, religious upbringing which they assumed to be the basis of social order.

D. Despite its apparent bias, among other problems, I believe it makes some sense and it suggests the need to address poor social conditions in order to address the crime problem.


A. Like social disorganization theory, this is basically a structural or macro theory which provides an explanation for the concentration of crime in lower class urban areas and among lower class minorities, as well as the overall high crime rate in America.

B. Although the concept of "anomie" derives from the work of Emile Durkehim, Robert Merton gave it a different twist. He defined it as follows:
"Anomie is the form that societal malintegration takes when there is a dissociation (or disjunction) between valued cultural ends and legitimate societal means to these ends."

C. This condition of anomie (or means-ends disjunction), Merton argued, was endemic to American society. (Indeed, one could argue today that the gap is as wide as it has ever between the so-called "haves and have nots.")

1. We have a strong emphasis on success in a monetary or material sense, but not an equally strong emphasis on socially approved means -- that is, getting ahead at any cost is a preoccupation. And the disjunction between means and ends is perpetuated by continuing economic and social inequality.
(ThIS is where that handout from The Cheating Culture comes in, which represents a very good statment of Merton's theory.)

2. So, those groups which are blocked from legitimate means to material success feel the pressure or strain more than others and are more likely to resort to illegitimate means.


That's all for now. On Monday, look for a description of the family exercise which will involve making up questions for the midterm exam. AND DO NOT FORGET THAT YOUR FIRST ESSAY IS DUE NEXT TUESDAY.