Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Below is a description of what I want you to do for the next short essay assignment. I will not be handing out a hard copy of this assignment.

Sociology 220
Essay II

A. On Tuesday, November 4th (election day) I will be showing a documentary entitled, "A Hard Straight," which chronicles the struggles of three parolees. For this essay I want you to focus on ONE of these three parolees. Briefly describe this person's situation and then discuss what you believe could have been done to help this person make a successful transition to life outside of prison. Let me recommend that you jot down some notes while seeing the video so that you can incorporate some details in your essay and not just write in "vague generalities." IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO BE IN CLASS ON THE 4TH TO SEE THIS DOCUMENTARY. Following the showing of it I will return it to the library, so if you did miss it you would be able to check it out.

B. The essay should be roughly 2-3 pages.

C. It is due on TUES., NOV. 11TH, and it is worth 25 points.

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