Monday, November 17, 2008

Drug War Video, Tulia, & ESSAY III

Instead of posting my follow-up comments on the drug war video we saw, I'll take some time out to highlight some points in class on Tuesday (11/18). We will also begin to talk about Tulia. You need to start reading that. I plan to cover it all before the semester is over. Also, as you can see below, the topic of your final out-of-class essay deals with Tulia.


Sociology 220
Essay III

A. In the context of the early trials and convictions, which carried exceedingly long sentences (basically up to Part Three, p. 179), I want you to write an essay on how such a miscarriage of justice was possible in the first place. Specifically, I want you to identify and discuss any TWO factors which contributed to this miscarriage of justice. And between these two factors, which ONE do you believe represents the greatest threat to the proper functioning of our court system in general. (Note: you do not necessarily have to read all the way through p. 179 in order to complete this assignment.)

B. The essay should be roughly 3 pages. Be sure to indicate the page number(s) of any passage(s) from the book which you quote in your essay.

C. This essay is due on TUESDAY, DEC. 2ND, which is the first class after we come back from Thanksgiving break. This essay is worth 25 points.


I will be handing back essay II on Tuesday (11/18). For those who have not yet turned that essay in, tomorrow will be the deadline to get it in.
Also, don't forget that the Crime Types Paper is due on Thursday (11/20), at which time each of you will be called on to give a brief overview of your paper in class.

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