Monday, December 1, 2008

Reminders & Final Family Activity

REMINDERS: As you should all know, ESSAY III on Tulia is due tomorrow (Tues. 12/2). Please make every effort to get it in so that I may grade them and get them back to you by the end of the week. Also, for those of you who saw the documentary on Tulia during our class before the break and decided to do the extra credit assignment, you need to turn those in tomorrow as well. Finally, even though we have just two classes left, I am still planning to cover the whole of the book on Tulia which you should be well into, if not finished reading by now.

FINAL FAMILY ACTIVITY: Since we've only had a few individual and family activities this semester, I am going to have to make this final family activity worth much more than previous ones in order to meet the 25 point total for this aspect of the course. This will involve making up final exam questions. Of course, you have already made up some questions based on your Crime Types' reports (which will, of course, be on the test). Now you need to come up with more questions based on my lectures on those parts of Crime Types not covered in your reports, including my follow-up comments on your reports which I posted on the blog. Questions may also come from class lectures on the drug war, and Tulia. I want each family to come up with 5 SHORT-ANSWER questions (and answers) which you will submit to me in an email NO LATER THAN FRIDAY NOON. I WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY QUESTIONS AFTER THAT SINCE I HAVE TO MAKE UP THE FINAL EXAM THIS WEEKEND. I will select at least one question from each family, and possibly more, and will post these on the blog over the weekend. You will need to check that out since these questions will be on the final exam. This exercise is worth 14 points (in order for all our activities and exercises to total 25). You have to participate to earn these points. Those family members missing-in-action will not earn these points. I will give you time in class tomorrow to begin the brainstorming process. I will also review the new families.

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