Sunday, October 3, 2010

Next Couple Weeks & Crime Types' Reports

Below is a schedule of what we will be doing over roughly the next month, including a tentative date for the midterm exam. I believe this is a realistic schedule, so we should be able to stick to it.

TUES. OCT. 5TH: Wrap up Control/Bonding theory and move on to Labeling and Social Disorganization.

THURS. OCT. 7TH: Anomie/Strain theory; overview of some contemporary theories. Hand out description of first essay, which will be due on TUES. OCT. 12TH.

CRIME TYPES'S REPORTS: Please refer to the earlier description of what I want these oral reports to include. Remember, you should aim for about a 30 minute presentation for each family. Also, I want each family to submit in writing (or via email) FIVE short-answer questions (and answers) from your chapter by the day following your presentation, at the latest. I will look these over and select at least TWO of these questions and possibly more if they are good, which I will then incorporate on the midterm exam (or final exam, if you give your presentation after the midterm exam).** Finally, let me stress that although you will be focusing on just one chapter in the book for this report, EVERYONE SHOULD BE READING THE BOOK AS A WHOLE AS WE WORK OUR WAY THROUGH IT.

** Note this is a change from the earlier blog description of this activity.

TUES. OCT. 12TH: Preface & Chapter 1 - Prof. Ginocchio
Chapter 2: Homicide and Assault - Red Family

THURS. OCT. 14TH: Chapter 3: Violent Sex Crimes - Green Family
Chapter 4: Robbery - Yellow Family

TUES. OCT. 19TH: Chapter 5: Burglary - Black family
(time for review for the midterm exam)

THURS. OCT. 21ST: MIDTERM EXAM (will cover only thru Chapter 4 of Crime Types)

TUES. OCT. 26TH: Chapter 6: Common Property Crime - Prof. Ginocchio
Chapter 7: Public Order Crime - Blue Family

THURS. OCT. 28TH: Chapter 8: Crime Within Complex Organizations - Prof. Ginocchio
(Hand back and go over the midterm exam)

TUES. NOV. 2ND: Chapter 9: Patterns and Prospects (few comments)
Begin discussing "Gang Leader for a Day"

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