Monday, November 29, 2010

Final Family Activity: Making Up Questions for the Final Exam

As you know, the final exam in this class is coming up in two weeks, so the families need to begin looking over the material from the second half of the course and making up short answer questions which I will consider for inclusion on the final exam. More specifically, I want each family to submit in writing (or via email, but NOT on this blog) FIVE short-answer questions and answers from the latter half of the course (which I define below). I NEED THESE QUESTIONS NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8TH BY 1PM. LET ME STRESS THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS DEADLINE BECAUSE I WILL NEED TO MAKE MY SELECTIONS AND POST THEM ON THE BLOG NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, DEC. 10TH. ANY FAMILY NOT SUBMITTING THESE QUESTIONS BY THE WEDNESDAY DEADLINE WILL NOT RECEIVE THE POINTS FOR THIS ACTIVITY. I will accept at least TWO questions from each family and possibly more if I believe they are good questions; any additional questions I accept will be worth one bonus point. So, if you put some effort into this and come up with good questions you will not only earn some bonus points but know more of the questions which will be on the final exam. I will give the families a bit of class time during the next couple classes to do some brainstorming. And remember, this is a FAMILY activity; I will NOT accept individual family members submitting questions. If some family members do not contribute, let me know about it and they will not receive the activity points for this exercise. This will be worth 8 activity points.


(1) My lectures/commentary on Chapters 6 & 8 of "Crime Types."
(2) Follow-up to "Crime Types'" Reports (on the blog)
(3) Family Responses to 3 Questions I posed about "Gang Leader for a Day" (on the blog)
(4) Brief Preliminary Comments on Drugs (handout, "A Very Fine Line") and lecture notes on our last book, "Tulia."

**Of course, those family questions from Chapters 5 & 7 of "Crime Types" (see previous blog post) will also be included.

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