Thursday, October 27, 2011


Over the next couple weeks you'll be reading "Gang Leader for a Day," and I would like each of the families to discuss the questions listed below and come up with answers to them. Your answers or responses should be NO LONGER THAN A PARAGRAPH OR TWO AT MOST, AND THEY SHOULD REFLECT THE COLLECTIVE EFFORT OF THE FAMILY. I will give you plenty of class time to confer with your fellow family members, and we will also be discussing the book as a class. More specifically, I will give the families class time to discuss the book on TUESDAY, NOV. 8TH and THURSDAY, NOV. 10TH. Then on the following class, TUESDAY, NOV. 15TH, I will call on each of the families both to present your answers in class and to submit them to me in writing. I will, then consider your answers and post on this blog what I believe are the best answers to each question. These "best answers" I will use as the basis for making up some final exam questions on the book. Those families' answers that are selected as best will earn a bonus point. All PARTCIPATING family members will earn 6 activity points for this exercise.


(1) What did you find was the MOST SURPRISING FACT OR OBSERVATION in the book, and WHY?

(2) What do you believe is the MOST INSIGHTFUL PASSAGE in the book (no more than a paragraph long), and WHY?

(3) What do you believe is the MOST IMPORTANT LESSON to be drawn from the book in terms of understanding and dealing with gangs?

So, please start reading the book when you get a chance and keep the above questions in mind, and be ready to discuss these questions with your family members on TUESDAY, NOV. 8TH.

Also, let me remind you to check out the previous blog post which describes an EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY coming up next week Thursday, Nov. 3rd.

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