Monday, November 28, 2011

Final Family Activity: Questions for the Final Exam

Before I describe our final family activity, let me call your attention to the description of essay III on the previous blog post, which you want to check out.


The families need to start thinking about final exam questions. Specifically, I want each of the families to submit FIVE SHORT-ANSWER questions (and answers) from material we've covered since the midterm exam (THE YELLOW FAMILY ONLY NEEDS TO SUBMIT THREE QUESTIONS, SINCE YOU ALREADY SUBMITTED QUESTIONS ON CHAPTER 7, SOME OF WHICH WILL BE ON FINAL EXAM). Recall that right after the midterm exam, we talked about Chapter 7 in Crime Types. I will be posting the questions and answers which I accepted from those which the Yellow family submitted after their presentation. Also remember that I had a follow-up to the Chapter 7 report posted on the blog, and I covered Chapters 8 & 9 in class and on the blog. For "Gang Leader for a Day," you may make up questions based on the family responses to those three questions, the best of which I posted on the blog. I also highlighted some points from the book in class at the very end of our discussion. The other material to be covered will be some general comments I made about the drug issue and our discussion of "Tulia" during the next two weeks. Remember, I plan on getting through that book in class and/or on the blog before the end of the semester. You should have an idea of what I mean by "short-answer questions," based on the questions you submitted for the midterm, as well as the midterm exam itself.

Our final exam is scheduled for Tuesday, 12/13, of Final Exam Week, from 9-12. I will need your proposed questions NO LATER THAN THURSDAY, DEC. 8TH AT 3PM (that being the day of our last class meeting). I will look over your submissions and try to accept at least two from each family; any more than two I accept will earn your family bonus points. I will, then, post the questions and answers I accepted on this blog by SUNDAY, DEC. 11TH, so you will be able to review them for the final exam. This exercise is worth 6 activity points, plus whatever bonus points you may earn. YOU MUST PARTICIPATE IN ORDER TO EARN THESE POINTS, AND KEEP IN MIND THAT THIS IS A FAMILY EXERCISE, SO I DO NOT WANT INDIVIDUAL SUBMISSIONS FROM FAMILY MEMBERS. AND I WILL ONLY CONSIDER 5 SUCH QUESTIONS.

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