Friday, September 7, 2012

First Individual Exercise

I want each of you to address the following question: what do you believe is the most serious crime problem facing America today, and what do you believe might be the reasons for this? I am just looking for a paragraph or so. This is purely a matter of your personal view or opinion. Please post your comment on this blog by MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH. This exercise is worth 5 activity points.


Unknown said...

I believe the most serious crime facing America today is the growing number of gangs and gang violence. Gangs today are known for their acts of stealing, drug abuse, and murder. Gangs are also targeting younger generations of children and teens, introducing the concept and the nature of violence at an early age. I feel the reason for the growing number of gangs and gang violence is the lack of love and affection felt by people who opt to join gangs. In most cases, a bond that was either broken or longed for helps to induce these persons to seek gangs for the assurance of having a "family" or group that will "have their back". There also seems to be a relationship between gangs and their locations. Most gangs seem to arise in places that are run down or known as projects that include broken families, unemployed families, or families who are barely surviving.

Anne-Elizabeth Rush said...

Drug abuse in the United States is a problem that affects people of all ethnicities, race, and social standing. It is rampant through out all of the country. For this reason, it is a extremely serious problem that our country needs to address. The effects of drug abuse are numerous and are often a key element in other serious crimes. Because of a drug users altered mental state, decisions are blurred and laws often forgotten. With the elimination of drug trafficking and usage, hopefully other crimes would also decrease in frequency. I think that drugs are such a problem in the United States because of our fast paced culture and status quo. The struggle to keep up appearances, keep a good a job, and get good grades are often too much of a stress. People then turn to drugs to either get away or keep going.

Unknown said...

Drug abuse is a very serious crime in today's world. Because of it's addictive nature, drug abuse increases the risk of the abuser being harmed or harming others. Often in the newspapers, the police have indicated in certain cases of theft, assault, or even murder, that drug abuse went towards cause or motive. Also, drug abuse tends to have a negative effect on families, often causing poverty or an increase in criminal activity by members of that family.

cole.smith92 said...

The most serious crime problems facing America today both stem from the prohibition of marijuana. The arrest and prosecution of marijuana users destroys the lives of otherwise law-abiding citizens, increases the chance of reoffenders, and causes an overcrowded prison system. Young people who face marijuana related charges have a hard time finding employment and, because of connections made during jail-time or state mandated drug rehab, end up more likely to turn to a life of crime. The prosecution and incarceration of low level marijuana offenders wastes tax payer money and distracts from the more serious issue: the violence caused by the marijuana black market. A majority of marijuana used in the United States comes from Mexico where notoriously violent drug cartels have brought the country to its knees, and who’s violence follows their product over to the United States. The legalization and regulation of marijuana would be a step toward ending the brutal drug violence seen in Mexico and the United States, as well as reduce our prison population and the number of repeat offenders.

- Cole Smith

LouisaJ said...

I definitely think that drug abuse is the biggest crime issue that our society faces today. It is such a big issue that affects everyone whether it's a college student or the government trying to control drugs coming in and out of our country, it is a widespread issue that is not easily contained. Stimulant and depressant drugs are widely abused and I think that this issue is something our country will have to deal with for a long time.

Unknown said...

The most serious crime problem facing America today is drug abuse. Drugs are at the root of many crimes because they impair the judgment of the people that use them. People high on drugs often commit crimes that they usually would not do if they were sober. A drug addict’s desperate need for drugs is dangerous because there is no telling what a person will do to get their hands on a certain type of drug. Also, the war on drugs is a huge topic in America right now. Millions of dollars are spent trying to control marijuana in the US. There are more addictive and dangerous drugs that the government should be focusing and spending money on.

Unknown said...

The most serious crime problem facing modern American society is our legal punitive system. Our prison system neither deters people from committing crimes nor does it rehabilitate those who do commit crimes. We have the highest rate of incarceration among industrialized nations as well as a high recidivism rate. So if prison doesn’t rehabilitate and it doesn’t deter, what does it do? What should it do?

Unknown said...

I believe the most serious crime facing the United States today is drugs. And when I say drugs, I mean anything and everything, including alcohol. Many of the crimes committed can be traced back to drugs in some way or another. Alcohol, for example, is conveniant, cheap, and a routine aspect of many people's lives. With the struggles and hardships of today's society, people are turning to drugs more and more as an escape from the situation in front of them. Our country's problem with drugs is a serious, and, unfortunately, a very common trend that we see today.

Unknown said...

I agree that the most serious crime that is committed today is gang violence. Innocent lives are lost due to the increasing number of gangs. When gangs are not punished for their crimes, the members obtain a sense of power. This power intimidates those who live in the same vicinity as the area that gangs have occupied. I think that gang violence is a result of mob mentality, which allows gang members to obtain a false sense of anonymity. This sense of being “invisible” is dangerous because individuals in these groups will commit acts that they would not commit alone.

Unknown said...

I believe that drug usage and abuse is one of the most serious crimes facing America today. It is prevalent in today's society due to its widespread accessibility to individuals in all areas of the United States. The issue of drug abuse certainly should be addressed by authorities. However, I think that drug abuse has and always will be an issue in America because it is so easily attainable.

Hunter Thurley said...

In my opinion drug abuse is the most serious crime occurring in America today. The main reason being that the access to drugs is easier than it has ever been in the past. Drug dealers are in every city in North America. Another reason why I believe this is because the range of people who are involved in the use of illegal drugs go from middle school children (13 year olds) to much older people. Not to mention alcohol abuse. All of these numbers, I would assume, are on a dramatic increase based on what I have seen through my life. Going back to the easy access part, teenagers these days can purchase a fake i.d. for less than $100 and be able to purchase alcohol at the age of 14. I believe the main reason for drug abuse is not only stress in one's life, but also to have camaraderie with those around you who are doing the same thing. Peer pressure is a major struggle for teenagers and drug abuse is usually the main reason for it. I don't see drug abuse in America decreasing for a while.

Bailey King said...

I believe that the most serious crime facing America today is drug abuse, including alcohol usage. It seems as if numerous other crimes can be traced back to using some sort of drug. For example, while driving under the influence there is the potential to hurting or even killing someone else. Gang violence can also be related to America's drug problem because many gangs either deal drugs directly or have some other association with illegal substances. Drug usage also has very negative and often fatal physiological consequences. I think that people often use drugs as a crutch to either hide from or escape reality.

Michael Harpe said...

The selling and distribution of illegal drugs is the most serious crime facing America today. Drugs are addictive to the user and the seller. The user gets addicted to the drug because larger amounts of the pleasure sensor in the brain called dopamine are sent out. This causes the brain to be tricked and tells them that it is good and they need more to function. The seller gets addicted to the drug because of the success they see from selling it. Money is an addiction and it leaves people wanting more. Drugs are very harmful to the user and the seller and also to people who are around them. Because drugs bring in so much money the people who sell them will do anything to sell it and get away with it. Sellers want the money that comes with the drugs and they want it any way possible. The users brains are altered because of the chemicals and their decision making and judgement decline because of it leading to bad decisions that affect themselves, the dealers, and innocent bystanders. Drugs also attract kids who may not have much and want what the dealers have. The lucrative acts of a dealer are not seen by the kids and they are blinded by the money and the material goods that they gain from this. Young kids are also great prospects for dealers to use because the police are not going to suspect them for doing stuff like this. The kids may even be tricked into doing these acts by the dealers telling them that they care for them when they really do not. If the dealers cared then they would not be risking the kids lives by sending them on the streets to do their dirty work. The selling of drugs is most definitely the most serious crime in America because it effects so many people in so many ways.

Joshua Askins said...

I believe the most serious crime facing America right now is the selling of illegal drugs and substances. This crime leads to many others. This is where lots of violence comes from, even gang violence. The selling of drugs also leads to robberies and even murders. The reason this is the most serious crime facing America right now is not just because of the distribution of drugs itself, but mainly from the other crimes that stem off of that crime. If this crime was eliminated than many other crimes would have a huge decrease all over the nation. It is like taking out the source of many crimes that this nation faces.

Shohreh D said...

I believe that the most serious problem facing America today is the decline of education and literacy. This issue is responsible for the growing number of dropouts and even many crimes committed within the U.S. A good education is the key to success. Unless we recognize the root cause for this issue we may be forced to face many other problems in the near future. Not receiving proper education leads youth to engage in negative civic activities, which leads to bigger crimes at hand. A good education system that understands every schools needs may even be a great way to approach this dilemma.