Friday, September 26, 2008

Essay I Description

Since I ran out of copies of the brief write-up for the first essay yesterday, I decided to post it on the blog, which I probably should have done to begin with. So, here it is:

Sociology 220
Essay I

A. For this first essay you will need to review the comment you posted on our course blog regarding your explanation for criminal behavior and/or fluctuations in the crime rate. First, I want you to RE-WRITE that comment, making needed corrections, perhaps also deleting or, more likely, adding a few sentences to make it more complete and coherent. Then, you should discuss how your ideas relate (i.e., are consistent or inconsistent) with any TWO aspects of what I have covered in class lecture, especially the various theories of criminal and deviant behavior. Finally, I want you to be critical of your own theory; that is, identify what you believe is a weakness in your own theory.

B. The essay should be roughly 3 pages (single-spaced handwritten or double-spaced typewritten).

C. It is due on or before TUESDAY, OCT. 7th. Normally, I would give you a week for such an essay, but in this case I want to make sure to have covered all of the various theories, which should take me another week and a half.


We will get back to the theories in class next Tuesday (9/30). Also, don't forget that each family will choose a chapter in Crime Types to report on. I will post what I want you to do in those reports on this blog on Monday (9/29).

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