Monday, September 29, 2008

Family Activity: Crime Types Chapter Reports

First thing in class tomorrow (Tues. 9/30) someone from each family will choose a chapter in Crime Types which that family will be responsible for reporting on to the rest of the class. Since we have five families, that will mean the families will cover five chapters in Crime Types, and I will be responsible for covering the remainder. These will be oral reports, however, I also want each family to submit TWO SHORT-ANSWER EXAM QUESTIONS (and answers) based on your report. Submit these questions in writing to me. Plan on taking roughly 30 minutes to cover each chapter, and every family member should contribute to this oral report in some way. In these reports, I want you to address the following:
(1) A general overview of the chapter, including the selected articles. Please DO NOT TRY TO COVER EVERYTHING because that would take too long. Focus on main points and a few supporting examples and statistics.
(2) Draw out at least a couple connections to the theories of criminal and deviant behavior we covered in class lecture. And by "connections" I mean not only things which support a particular theory but also points which may go against or contradict a theory.
(3) Identify implications of what you have learned about your crime type which may have use in developing strategies for controlling or reducing that type of criminal behavior.
(4) Finally, as I noted above, two short-answer exam questions which I may use on either the midterm exam or final exam.

After each family knows which chapter it will be reporting on, I will make up a schedule of when you will be called upon to present your chapter to the class. I anticipate that we will not finish this until after the midterm exam which will be coming up in a couple weeks, so some of you may be reporting on your chapters after the midterm exam. Of course, everyone is responsible for reading ALL of Crime Types, and not just the chapter you'll be reporting on.

See you tomorrow.

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