Sunday, October 5, 2008

Family Activity: Making Up Midterm Exam Questions

I will give the families some time in class beginning this Tuesday (10/7) to brainstorm some possible midterm exam questions. More specifically, I want each family to propose THREE SHORT-ANSWER questions (and answers) based on anything we've covered in class since the beginning of the term. This would include: lecture notes (including those notes and passages posted on the blog), any handouts, and however far we get in Crime Types during this coming week. You will need to come to some consensus on your three best questions, because I will ONLY ACCEPT THREE QUESTIONS FROM EACH FAMILY. I will look these over and then select at least ONE question from each family to appear on the midterm exam. However, for each additional question I accept, that family will receive a bonus point. So, it is possible to earn 2 bonus points for this exercise, and there will be the added advantage of knowing more of the questions on the test. I will give the families roughly 20 minutes of class time on both Tues. (10/7) and Thurs. (10/9)to confer. ALL QUESTIONS (AND ANSWERS) MUST BE SUBMITTED AS A COMMENT ON THIS BLOG POST BY 2PM ON FRIDAY, 10/10 -- NO EXCEPTIONS. I want to be able to look over these questions and make my selections by TUESDAY 10/14, when I will set aside some class time for review for the midterm exam which is scheduled for THURSDAY 10/16. This activity is worth 3 points.

In addition to coming up with midterm exam questions, the families should also begin to organize how you will divide up responsibilities in preparing for your report on the Chapter in Crime Types you are responsible for (see: Tuesday, Sept. 30th blog post: Schedule for Crime Types' Reports).


Emily L. said...

The Red Family's Three Exam Questions:

1) Q) Explain Dr. Matza's definition of deviance. How do you become deviant?
A) Dr. Matza's definition of deviance is: straying from a path or standard. "A" path meaning, any path or standard. Almost anything that is abnormal can be deviant. Deviance is socially disapproved and based merely on thoughts and opinions.

2) Q) In the 1920's and 1930's, cities like Chicago went through growth and changes. The inner city life changed, and crime rates were higher. Although it is uncertain on why the rise of crime rates in the area occurred, the social control exercised through traditional social order and value. This is an example of what theory?
A) Social Disorganization Theory

3) Q) What are the three elements of the Routine Activities Theory?
A) There are persons motivated to commit crimes, there is a suitable target or victim, there is an absence of formal or informal control agents.

Leighann said...

The Yellow Family's Three Exam Questions:

1. What is the difference between Specific deterence and General deterence?

Specific deterence is when someone goes clean after being in prison because they have learned their lesson during the time spent there. General deterence is punishment that is meant to serve as an example not just to the criminal but also to the general public.

2. Why have crimes that fall under "rountine activity" increased since WWII?

-both spouses working so the house is vacant is prime target for burglary
- 24hr convenient stores

3. What is Dr. Matza's definition of deviance?

Straying from a path or standard.

Kelsey Leahy said...

1. What are the specific and general goals of deterrence theory? Answer: The specific goals of deterrence theory are to punish an individual sufficiently so that they will not commit another crime. The general goal of deterrence theory is when the punishment for a crime serves as a deterrent to the general public and potential criminals.
2. Describe Akers's main criticism of labeling theory. Answer: Akers believes that the label creates the behavior instead of the other way around. He says that the ensuing criminal/deviant behavior perpetuates the label.
3. Describe anomie in your own words. Answer: Anomie is a theory which tries to explain the high crime rates in lower class/minority areas of America.

Leighann said...

Yellow Family Extra Question

What was Hooten's drastic measure of getting rid of criminals?

Selective Breeding