Friday, October 9, 2009

Family Activity: Making Up Midterm Exam Questions

With our midterm exam coming up on Tuesday, Oct. 20th, you need to start making up some short-answer questions, as we did yesterday (Thurs. 10/8) toward the end of class. Below are the details of what I want each of the families to do:

Drawing on anything we've covered in class, including handouts and blog material, since the beginning of the semester, I want each of the families to come up with FOUR short-answer questions. Keep in mind some of the samples I have given in class as well as what you came up with in class after our first brainstorming session yesterday. I do NOT want any True/False or Multiple-Choice questions. After the families submit these questions to me, I will review them and try to select at least TWO from each family. If I decide to use more than two, that family will earn a bonus point for each additional question I choose. So, you may earn a maximum of two bonus points for this exercise. Please keep in mind that I will be looking for questions that deal with fairly significant points, not relatively insignificant facts. When you submit the questions, also include the answers as well.

I will give you some more class time on Tuesday 10/13 to consult with your family members. Each family should designate someone to be responsible to email me your four questions NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, OCT. 14TH BY 1PM. If you finish on Tuesday, you may just hand them in on a sheet of paper, or you could drop off a sheet of paper with your family's questions sometime Wed. morning. I need to have them then so I can make my selections and then post them on this blog, as well as make up the test itself.

All particpating family members will earn 5 activity points for this exercise.


Finally, do not forget to check out the lecture notes on Chapter 3 that I have posted on this blog over the past week. Remember, you will need to study that material for the midterm, regardless of how far I am able to get in class lecture by the end of next week.

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