Friday, September 17, 2010

Looking Ahead to Next Week & Reminder

Next week we will be getting into the major theories of criminal and deviant behavior, beginning with Deterrence theory. As you know, I will be presenting that material in class lecture. It should take two weeks or so, and then around the beginning of October, we should be getting into our first book, Crime Types. Let me also add, that next Tuesday I will take out just a little time to comment on those handouts I gave you on Thursday. Both make good general points about how to approach the question of explaining crime.

REMINDER: As of this morning (Friday, 8AM), there were still two people who had not posted their comments about your explanations for criminal behavior. Please do so ASAP. And remember, as I noted in class yesterday, I am going to link this first exercise with the first short essay you'll be doing once we finish going over the major theories of crime.

See you next Tuesday.

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