Sunday, October 28, 2007

Looking Ahead & A Reminder

First, the reminder. I have not received all of the one-page comments on that article on campus crime. If you are among those who have not turned it in, you have until class time on Tuesday to turn it in. After that I will not accept any more of them and you will lose an easy 3 activity points.

Looking ahead to this coming week, as you all should know we have an in-class essay coming up this Thursday (Nov. 1). To prepare for it, you might want to look over the sociological theories of criminal behavior again and be sure to bring your notes to class on Thursday. Also, as I noted this past Thursday, the farther you are along in Crime Types, the more material you will have to choose from in addressing the topic I'll give you. In 220A (8:00), I have already covered Chapters 1 & 2, and most of Chapter 4. And I hope to cover Chapters 5 & 6 on Tuesday. In 220B (9:30), I have covered Chapters 1& 2, and I hope to cover Chapters 6 & 8 on Tuesday. Of course, I assume you have all begun reading the Chapter your family will be reporting on. And remember, the in-class essay on Thursday will be open-book, open-notebook, so again bring your notebooks and books along.

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