Friday, October 19, 2007

New Families & Crime Types Chapter Reports

Yesterday in class, we drew dominoes for new families. The new families, probably for the remainder of the semester will be as follows (and in parentheses I indicate the chapter in Crime Types you'll be reporting on):


Black Family: McKenzie P., Emily D., and Johnson R.(Chap. 3)

Red Family: Josh S., Chris W.,and Elizabeth C. (Chap. 7)

Yellow Family: Liz K., Jessica O., and Philip B.(Chap. 8)


Orange Family: Chelsea J., Reem T., Michael M., and Emre C. (Chap. 4)

Blue Family: Mack G., Jared M., Sarah H., and Mahagony W. (Chap. 7)

Yellow Family: Amanda L., Natalie G., Haskins H., and Sam L. (Chap. 5)

Black Family: Jenny A., Marshall H., St. Claire P., Scott C., and Mary Elston H. (Chap. 3)

Crime Types Reports: each family will be responsible for the chapter in Crime Types indicated above. This will be an oral report, however, I do want you to submit in writing two short answer exam questions based on your report. Plan on taking roughly 20-30 minutes. We will try to cover two of these reports per class beginning on Tuesday, Nov. 6th and continuing on Thursday, Nov. 8th. I will take responsibility for reporting on the other chapters in Crime Types. I want you to address the following in your report, and please make sure each member of the family has a speaking role:
(1) a general overview of that chapter and the selected articles. Please do not try to cover everything because that would take too long. Focus on main points and a few supporting examples and statistics.
(2) draw out at least a couple connections to the theories of criminal and deviant behavior we covered in the first half of the course. And by "connections" I mean not only things which support a particular theory but also information which may go against or contradicts a theory.
(3) implications of what you learned about your crime type which may have use in developing strategies for controlling or reducing that type of criminal behavior.
(4) two short answer exam questions based on your chapter.

This family activity will be worth 5 points.

Finally, I'll have your exams back on Tuesday and talk a bit more about Chapter 2 in Crime Types.

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