Friday, September 28, 2007

Reminder of Key Dates & Exam Questions

First, let me take this opportunity to remind you of the key dates I wrote on the board yesterday. They were: Tuesday, Oct. 2nd - handout first essay assignment
Thursday, Oct. 11th - "singing the theories"
Tuesday, Oct. 16th - midterm exam (tentative)

Also, let me state the questions that were selected to appear on the midterm exam. I have changed the wording of some of them to clarify them and in one case I decided to delete one part of a question. Sometime prior to the exam we will discuss the answers to each of these questions.
220A: (1) Briefly explain the difference between "macro" and "micro" level theories. (2pts) Green family
(2) State the three main components of Routine Activities Theory which constitute the circumstances which lead to criminal behavior. How did Akers criticize this theory? (4pts) Blue family

220B: (1) What are the three main components of Routine Activities Theory which constitute the right circumstances for criminal behavior? (3pts) Green family
(2) What was Matza's definition of deviance? (1pt) Green family

That's all for now. See you next Tuesday.

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